Notice of Development of “Medium-Term Vision 2018 - For Further Growth -”
NTT Urban Development Corporation (the Group) have been taking steps to restructure the business base and pursue growth in consideration of financial soundness, with the aim of achieving the financial targets they initially set, strengthening the revenue base in each business, and creating stable profits under the “NTT Urban Development Group Medium-Term Management Plan 2012”.
Meanwhile, the market environment is changing significantly, reflecting the continuing low birth rate and aging of the population, rising awareness of BCP and disaster prevention, and response to environmental and energy problems and other factors. In terms of the economy, a recovery is expected against the backdrop of an improving environment for exports associated with the correction of the strong yen, the effect of monetary and fiscal policies and other factors.
Given this business environment, the Group has developed the “Medium-Term Vision 2018 – For Further Growth ?”, a new medium-term vision that begins in fiscal 2013. The Group will take measures for medium and long term growth through fully enforcing a customer and market-centered orientation and the pursuit of innovations.