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Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion of NTT Urban Development

Creating workplaces where everyone can realize their full potential

As a member of the NTT Group, NTT Urban Development has always striven to create diverse workplaces in which people can realize their full potential irrespective of sex, age, race, nationality, disability. NTT Urban Development utilize diverse human resources by promoting diversity management as part of the larger management strategy. Leverage HR diversity to achieve an innovative corporate culture and atmosphere that leads to additional change.

Promoting an active role for women in the NTT Group

NTT Group aims to promote an active role for women across the whole Group organization.
The Diversity Management Office and Group company diversity promotion supervisors share information on nurturing female leaders, supporting the balancing of work with child-rearing, work style reforms and other common goals, so as to implement the successful initiatives of individual companies across the Group.We have also announced a plan to double the current ratio of female managers at section chief level and above by March 2021.

The Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

NTT Urban Development formulated a "General Business Owner Action Plan" based on The Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (* "Women`s Participation Promotion Act"). This plan was submitted to the Labor Bureau, informed to our employees and announced to the general public.

Diversity and Inclusion Office

NTT Urban Development has been implementing various initiatives for enhancing diversity. We established "Diversity & Inclusion Office" in the General Affairs Department on 1 Oct 2014 to booster these initiatives.The Diversity & Inclusion Office is currently working to remind our employees the importance of diversity and inclusion through various initiatives such as training /seminars.

Diversity Related Initiatives of Diversity

Specific initiatives linked to enhancing diversity have been implemented/promoted from multiple perspectives.

Respecting Work-Life Balance

"No-overtime days" (currently every: Wed, Fri, pay day) have been set in place to promote fuller communication between employees/families and encourage health management and self development. Efforts are being made to cultivate an environment conducive to taking leave entitlements. The utilization ratio for paid leave of general rank & file employees was approx.100%.

Enabling Flexible Work Styles

We have tried flexible work style systems for our employees' work-life balance. We implemented to use a telework system from April 2015. We also implemented a system for our employees to change starting and closing time in a business day to support their work-life balance.

Responding to Life Events

To support employees life event, we provide maternity leave/childcare leave, shortening working hours system during pregnancy, systems in which employees can see our corporate intranet at home while taking maternity/childcare leave to catch up our company's trend, and shortening working hours system when returning to their work. We also have enhanced nursing care systems such as nursing care leaveto minimize the impact on employees who otherwise may find it difficult to continue with their careers due to life events.

Providing Opportunities for Re-employment

A re-employment system has been set up for employees who resigned due to family obligations such as: child rearing, nursing care, or the transfer of a spouse.

We provide information above mentioned through corporate intranet to make it easier for employees to understand and utilize those systems.

Activities of the Diversity and Inclusion Office

NTT Urban Development make effort to proliferate diversity management throughout the entire organization by implementing education/ training aimed at employees. Below are activities we have undertaken since the Diversity and Inclusion Office was established on Oct 2014:.

Diversity Promotion Training & Seminars

Photo Internal seminars
Internal seminars "New HR management in the era of declining birth rates/active women/major elderly care burden"

Diversity promotion training has been held as part of employee training programs. In FY 2015 e-learning training sessions were held to: share an understanding of: the meaning of the word "diversity", the importance of diversity for management, and diversity promotion initiatives at NTT Urban Development.
Personally delivered diversity related training sessions are also held for new employees and newly assigned managers as part of an effort to promote understanding of diversity.

Internal seminars for all employees have also been held. A lecture series entitled "New HR management in the era of declining birth rates/active women/major elderly care burden" was given in FY 2015 by Tetsuya Ando of NPO "Fathering Japan". Many employees participated to deepen their understanding of management that respects diversity of employees.

Creating workplaces where everyone can realize their full potential

In FY 2015, Diversity and Inclusion Office became a Secretariat and implements the "Work-style Innovation Project". An internal trial team reviewed methods of working. Reviews are scheduled to continue in FY 2016.

Photo Employees discussing the work-style innovation project.
Employees discussing the work-style innovation project.
Photo Final report meeting
Final report meeting
Photo member of the IkuBoss Alliance
Became a member of the "IkuBoss Alliance"

In January 2015, NTT Urban Development became a member of the "IkuBoss Alliance "established by NPO "Fathering Japan". "IkuBoss" is a supervisor who is mindful of the work-life balance of team members in the workplace, is supportive of people`s careers and life-styles, and at the same time, achieves results for the organization and enjoys their work and personal life. Having joined the IkuBoss Alliance, NTT Urban Development aims to be a firm that empowers diverse HR.

Photo a male employee who took paternity leave
Interview article with a male employee who took paternity leave.

We provide diversity-related information continually on our intranet website. On our intranet website we provided an interview with a male employee who took his paternity leave and his supervisor. This is part of an endeavor to encourage men to take paternity leave.

Promoting Empowerment of Women

Photo Career Training Framework for Women
Career Training Framework for Women

We offered a training course for non-managerial level female employees in FY 2015 in which panel discussions by senior female managers and group discussions amongst employees were held as an opportunity to enhance understanding and awareness of career related topics.

Also, Employees from NTT Urban Development also participated in ad-hoc forums/training held in conjunction with nine NTT Group companies.
Moreover, we offered "Mama Lunch Meetings" for employees who are raising children as an endeavor to provide a place to share information about balancing responsibilities of child-raising and work, addressing concerns and networking.

Promoting Understanding of Disabilities

We held training sessions on "Promoting awareness of individuals with disabilities" lectured by NTT Claruty (special subsidiary company of the NTT Group based on the "Act on Employment Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities")

Photo Classroom based lecture
Classroom based lecture
Photo First-hand experience of visual impairment and guiding
First-hand experience of visual impairment and guiding

Consideration of diversity when building communities

NTT Urban Development takes the stance of utilizing its integrated real estate business as a platform to contribute to the building of communities where diversity is readily achieved. Creating pleasant and agreeable spaces is part of the clearly specified universal design elements of the NTT Urban Development safety/quality strategy. We endeavour to give consideration to making each building accessible to anyone.
A "universal check" was performed by NTT Claruty in the lead up to the Grand Opening of the "Shinagawa Season Terrace" property (Minato-ku, Tokyo) in May 2015. A wheelchair user of NTT Ckaruty checked the "Universal Degree" and overall ease of access to facilities at the property by reviewing the parking lot, elevators and, restrooms etc.

Photo Wide, flat parking lots
Wide, flat parking lots
Photo Long and deep elevators with wide doors
Long and deep elevators with wide doors
Photo Equipped with an ostomate toilet
Equipped with an ostomate toilet

Recognized as Child Support Company by acquiring an accreditation mark, "Kurumin Mark"

Logo Kurumin Mark

We developed "the General Business Owner Action Plan" and put into effect to support nurturing the next generation.

NTT Urban Development acquired an "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children" accreditation mark (commonly know as a "Kurumin Mark") in August 2015.
Kurumin Mark
Companies that developed an action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and achieved the goals set out in the plan while also meeting certain standards are recognized as Childcare Support Companies by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and earn the Kurumin Mark.

Selected as a Nadeshiko Brand

Nadeshiko Brand 2015

Since 2012 the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) have selected and recognized companies listed on the 1st Section of the TSE with a "Nadeshiko Brand" award that deemed the firm as excellent examples in relation to women playing an active role. NTT Urban Development was recognized and given a "Nadeshiko Brand" award in FY 2015: the first time the brand has been granted in the real estate industry.

  • *NTT Urban Development "Workplaces built on individual respect" general information is available from the CSR www page. Click here